Unveiling the Achilles' Heel of Decentralized Identity: A Comprehensive Exploration of Scalability and Performance Bottlenecks in Blockchain-Based Identity Management Systems
Blockchain technology, identity management, identity revocationAbstract
Blockchain's secure, tamper-proof, self-sovereign identity ecosystems transformed IAM. Scalability and performance are key to blockchain-based IAM systems. BC-IAM probes the blockchain trilemma—decentralization, security, and scalability. Our topics include consensus, data storage, transaction speed, and latency. BC-IAM examines PoW drawbacks. PoW's computational overhead restricts transaction throughput, making it unsuitable for large-scale identity management. BC-IAM's security and scalability are tested using Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) variations and efficient delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) protocols.
Research shows current blockchain architectures can't manage BC-IAM's massive transactions. We examine how transaction throughput—the number of transactions a network can process per second—affects user experience. The research found that sharding reduces network congestion and improves BC-IAM transaction processing.
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