Including Service Meshes for Multi-Environment Installations in Amazon EKS


  • Babulal Shaik Cloud Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services, USA Author
  • Karthik Allam Big Data Infrastructure Engineer at JP Morgan & Chase, USA Author
  • Sai Charith Daggupati Sr. IT BSA (Data systems) at CF Industries, USA Author


Service Mesh, Amazon EKS, Multi-Environment Deployments


In Kubernetes setups in particular, service nets are becoming indispensable for handling the complexity of microservices. Containerized apps benefit greatly from Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) & integrating a service mesh into your Elastic Kubernetes Service clusters improves security, observability & also communication. It looks at how they work in growth, production, and staging, addressing specific issues at each stage, such rapid debugging in growth against scalability and dependability in production. The essay examines how service meshes improve traffic management and security enforcement with features like mutual TLS, and give insight into their service interaction through tracing and analytics.  Service mesh works are a valuable tools for seamless multi-environment deployment because they address problems like irregular traffic routing & intricate security controls. Depending on their demands, the article assists you in selecting the best service mesh works, such as Istio, Linkerd, or others. By integrating a service mesh works with Elastic Kubernetes Service, you can improve their speed, reliability and scalability across your cloud-native apps, streamline microservices administration & increase developer productivity.


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How to Cite

Babulal Shaik, Karthik Allam, and Sai Charith Daggupati, “Including Service Meshes for Multi-Environment Installations in Amazon EKS ”, Distrib. Learn. Broad Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 5, pp. 1315–1332, Jul. 2019, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: