Best Practices for Architecting Resilient, Scalable, and Efficient Data Pipelines


  • Muneer Ahmed Salamkar Senior Associate at JP Morgan Chase, USA Author
  • Karthik Allam Big Data Infrastructure Engineer, JP Morgan & Chase, USA Author


Data Pipelines, Resilience, Scalability, ETL


Today's data-driven world requires sophisticated data pipelines to process, store, and manage large volumes of data across systems and applications. This abstract explores the best ways to build resilient, scalable, and effective data pipelines to handle today's data demands. To provide a thorough manual for constructing data pipelines that can handle large data volumes and a variety of data kinds without compromising accuracy or speed in challenging conditions. Designing data flow architecture, fault tolerance, and tool and technology selection are crucial. The abstract also tackles streamlining data input, transformation, and storage while adapting the pipeline to changing business demands and technology. The use of load balancing, parallel processing, and modular architecture to scale pipelines to meet organizational needs is also examined. Finally, optimal monitoring and alerting systems help teams to resolve issues and maintain data integrity by routinely reviewing pipeline performance and health. This article shows data engineers how to build pipelines for data-centric analytics and decision-making in any firm. It promotes pipeline architecture that focuses durability, efficiency, and adaptability.


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How to Cite

Muneer Ahmed Salamkar and Karthik Allam, “Best Practices for Architecting Resilient, Scalable, and Efficient Data Pipelines”, Distrib. Learn. Broad Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 5, pp. 1105–1126, Jan. 2019, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: