Scale Deep Learning Leveraging a Distributed Training Method for Huge Datasets
Deep learning, Big data, Scalability, Training OptimizationAbstract
Deep learning is revolutionizing many fields, hence the challenge of properly training models on large-scale datasets becomes even more important. Conventional training methods can find it difficult to meet the computing and memory capacity needed to manage large amounts of data. This work explores a distributed training approaches using many computing resources to increase the scalability & efficiency. While retaining or improving model performances, partitioning data & parallelizing model training across a computer networks may significantly cut training times. We investigate that key techniques like data & model parallelism, evaluating their advantages & the settings in which they might be most useful. We also address the issues with fault tolerance, communication overhead & synchronizing & provide solutions. Our findings show that distributed training not only accelerates the learning process but also helps to handle datasets that were before unworkable for single-machine learning. The results of this work significantly contribute to deep learning and help to create more sophisticated models able to solve complex problems in many domains. This program aims to help practitioners to fully use their data, therefore promoting innovation and advancement in disciplines such computer vision, natural language processing, and others.
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