A new weight normalizing method to enhance retraining of Generative Adversarial Networks


  • Sarbaree Mishra Program Manager at Molina Healthcare Inc., USA Author


Weight Normalization, Generative Adversarial Networks, GAN Training, Convergence


Generative Adversarial Networks have been evolved as a novel paradigm for generating realistic data in several disciplines. But their training is even less under control because of mode breakdown and instability. This paper offers a novel weight normalizing approach meant to enhance convergence rates and general model performance, hence improving the GAN training environment. Comprehensive testing shows that our weight normalizing approach greatly reduces variance in generated samples, hence improving output integrity and a more consistent training process. Emphasizing its effectiveness in addressing common difficulties associated with GAN training, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the impacts of weight normalizing on both the generator and discriminator networks. Our findings show that using this novel approach enhances the quality of generated samples and speeds the training process, hence easing the deployment of GANs in useful applications for practitioners. This work presents a possible path for further generative modeling research and improves the accuracy of GAN structures and training methods. We want to inspire further development in the field by presenting a fresh perspective on weight normalizing, hence broadening the applications of GANs in many spheres.


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How to Cite

Sarbaree Mishra, “A new weight normalizing method to enhance retraining of Generative Adversarial Networks”, Distrib. Learn. Broad Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 5, pp. 1–20, Feb. 2019, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://dlbasr.org/index.php/publication/article/view/67