Snowflake: A New Era for Cloud Data Warehousing


  • Naresh Dulam Vice President Sr Lead Software Engineer, JP Morgan Chase, USA Author


Snowflake, Cloud Data Warehousing, Scalability, Cloud Computing


Snowflake transforms data warehousing with a cloud-based reach that overcomes regular limits. Its cloud-native architecture separates processing and storage, letting enterprises to scale operations independently and cost-effectively. Unlike traditional systems, Snowflake enables both structured and semi-structured data on a single platform, hence improving performance and lowering costs. Its simple integration with cloud services and analytics tools enables businesses to acquire insights without hassle.


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How to Cite

Naresh Dulam, “Snowflake: A New Era for Cloud Data Warehousing”, Distrib. Learn. Broad Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 1, pp. 49–72, Apr. 2015, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: