DataOps: Enhancing Data Management for Big Data and Analytics.
DataOps, Big Data, Analytics, Data Management, Continuous IntegrationAbstract
Given the increase in "big data" & the need for "actionable analytics," it's getting harder to deal with data. CI/CD (continuous integration and delivery of data) & Data Ops (which was built on DevOps) make it easier to work with data by encouraging teamwork.Data Ops improves data quality, speed, and reliability by coordinating teams across the data flow. Regarding the end, this helps companies get clean, useful data faster, which helps them make better choices. It works great in places with a lot of info that can't handle it with normal methods. Keeping track of all the different systems, making sure everything is legal and safe & getting people to accept change are all problems. This means that you can still use Data Ops to improve tracking & scaling, even with these issues. This way makes workflows better for big data. This makes handling data more efficient & lets businesses use their data to get ahead of the competition.
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