Apache Arrow: Enhancing Data Exchange in Large-Scale Data Systems


  • Naresh Dulam Vice President Sr Lead Software Engineer, JP Morgan Chase, USA Author
  • Abhilash Katari Engineering Lead, Persistent Systems Inc, USA Author
  • Kishore Reddy Gade Vice President, Lead Software Engineer, JP Morgan Chase, USA Author


Apache Arrow, big data analytics, data processing efficiency, columnar data structures


Ground-breaking open-source Apache Arrow solves a fundamental and sometimes disregarded problem in the vast data ecosystem: effective data sharing and in-memory processing across many tools and systems. Data scientists and engineers regularly experience performance bottlenecks resulting from repeated serialization and deserialization during inter-system communication in the fast expanding realm of big data, where platforms including Apache Spark, Hadoop, and Pandas are ubiquitous. These methods limit data processing scalability and efficiency by introducing major latency and deplete computer resources. Apache Arrow solves this by bringing an analytical performance-improving standardized columnar memory architecture. Zero-copy reads help to speed up in-memory computation and enable flawless data flow across systems free from the requirement for costly and time-consuming transformations. Designed for contemporary technology, the framework uses cache-efficient architectures and parallel processing capabilities to effectively manage vast amounts of data Natural expandable architecture enables interaction with several programming languages and data processing engines, hence promoting interoperability across a range of big data environments.

Apache Arrow allows developers to create more integrated and efficient processes by standardizing data representation in memory, reducing overhead and increasing performance in analytical pipelines. It also supports greater hardware acceleration, such as SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) and GPU computing, which improves speed for complex analytical procedures.
Moreover, Apache Arrow's compatibility with widely-used frameworks addresses existing gaps in the ecosystem, facilitating the integration of diverse technologies. This study examines the fundamental characteristics, architecture, and practical uses of Apache Arrow, emphasizing its significant influence on contemporary large-scale data systems. Apache Arrow modernizes data transfer by minimizing redundancy, boosting efficiency, and improving inter-system collaboration. It establishes a basis for the forthcoming generation of high-performance in-memory data processing, rendering it a transformative development for the big data community.


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How to Cite

Naresh Dulam, Abhilash Katari, and Kishore Reddy Gade, “Apache Arrow: Enhancing Data Exchange in Large-Scale Data Systems”, Distrib. Learn. Broad Appl. Sci. Res., vol. 3, pp. 93–114, Oct. 2017, Accessed: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available: https://dlbasr.org/index.php/publication/article/view/82